Superb story written by Chetan Bhagat in his FB Post

One night, just before the shopkeeper was about to close the shop, a dog came into the shop.There was a bag in its mouth. The bag had a list of items to be bought and money. The shopkeeper took the money and kept the items in the bag.Immediately, The dog picked up the bag of items and left. The shopkeeper was surprised and went behind the dog to see who the owner was.The dog waited at the bus stop. After sometime, a bus came and the dog got into the bus. As soon as the conductor came, it moved forward to show his neck belt which had money and the address as well. The conductor took the money and put the ticket in his neck belt again.When it reached the destination, the dog went to the front and wagged his tail indicating that he wanted to get down. The moment the bus stopped, it got down. The shopkeeper was still following it.The dog knocked on the door of a house with its legs. Its owner came from inside and beat it with a stick.The shocked shopkeeper asked him "why are you beating the dog?", to which the owner replied, "he disturbed my sleep. It could have taken the keys with it."This is the truth of life. There is no end to the expectations people have from you. The moment you go wrong, they start pointing at our mistakes. All the good done in the past is forgotten. Any small mistake committed then gets magnified. This is the nature of this material world.!!!👍🏻👍🏻

Super car on Roads... Just WOW

Really, Is it very good idea to have these type of cars in Indian roads ?

Comment here..

Somebody Imagined What Condoms Made By Patanjali Would Look Like & It’s Hilarious

Baba Ramdev is a man who lives with the times.  His ayurveda brand Patanjali, which began with manufacturing just medicinal products, has slowly evolved into one of India's biggest FMCG companies, creating everything from cosmetics to cookies, and even apparel, under the name Paridhaan. Baba Ramdev creates what he calls the 'desi' versions of all the products. It started by challenging the likes of Dabur and Himalaya, and soon became a competitor for giants like Hindustan Unilever and ITC. And if Baba Ramdev continues to create the desi versions of all the products. It started by challenging the likes of Dabur and Himalaya, and soon became a competitor for giants like Hindustan Unilever and ITC. And if Baba Ramdev continues to create the desi versions of other products, who knows he soon might be challenging brands like Durex and Moods.

But what if they went further? What if Patanjali decided to get into the condom making business? Well, Pugmarker decided to take that leap. Check the hilarious results out.

1. Using these almond-flavoured condoms will be pretty good for your brain.

2. Nothing better than Aloe Vera to take care of the 'skin'.

3. If you need to spice things up.

4. If you need to cool them down.  

 5. Ginger has a lot of medicinal benefits, you know. 

6. If you have a sweet tooth, how's this for dessert?

7. Don't worry khatta-meetha flavour fans, there's something for you guys as well. 


How long do you think it'll take before Baba Ramdev decided to turn this into a reality?

Chanda Kocchar letter to her daughter Aarti.

The letter that appears in the book ‘Legacy: Letters from Eminent Parents to Their Daughters’ by Sudha Menon narrates Kochhar’s journey from the untimely passing away of her father when she was 13, to becoming a successful independent woman heading one of the top private banks of the country. In her letter, she not only gives life lessons to her daughter but pens down how she learnt all that from her own mother who took up the challenge to raise three children all by herself who, in fact, was a homemaker till the sudden demise of her husband.
Here’s what she wrote:
Dear Aarti,
It makes me feel so proud today to see you standing in front of me as a confident young woman right on the threshold of an exciting journey through life. I am looking forward to seeing you grow and flourish in the years ahead.
This moment has also brought back memories of my own journey, and the life lessons I learnt along the way. When I think of those times, I realize that most of these lessons were actually learnt in my childhood, mostly through examples set by my parents. The values that they instilled in my formative years gave me the foundation on which I try to live my life even today.
Our parents treated all three of us – two sisters and a brother – equally. When it came to education, or our future plans, there was no discrimination between us based on our gender. Your grandparents always had the same message for the three of us – that it was important to focus on what gave us satisfaction and to work towards it with utmost dedication. That early initiation enabled us to develop into confident individuals capable of taking decisions independently. This also helped me when I started out on my own journey of self- discovery.
I was only a young girl of 13 when my father passed away from a sudden heart attack, leaving us unprepared to take on life without him. We had been protected from life’s challenges so far. But without warning, all that changed overnight. And my mother, who had been a homemaker till then, faced the responsibility of raising three children all on her own. It was then that we realized how strong she was and how determined to do her duty in the best possible manner. Slowly, she discovered a flair for designing and textiles, found herself a job with a small firm, and quickly made herself indispensable to them. It must have been challenging for her to shoulder the responsibility of bringing up her family single- handed, but she never let us feel like it was a task for her. She worked hard till she saw all of us through college and we became independent. I never knew that my mother had such a wealth of self-assurance and belief within her.
As a parent with a full time job, one must not let work affect the way you relate to your family. Remember the time you were studying in the US and the announcement of my becoming MD and CEO of ICICI was splashed across all newspapers? I remember the mail you wrote to me a couple of days later. ‘You never made us realize that you had such a demanding, successful and stressful career. At home, you were just our mother,’ you wrote in your email. Live your life in the same way, my darling.
I also learnt from my mother that it is very important to have the ability to handle difficult situations and keep moving forward in life, no matter what. Even today I can remember the equanimity and calmness with which she handled the crisis on hand when my father passed away. You have to handle the challenges and emerge stronger from them, rather than allow them to bog you down. I remember how, in late 2008, we were faced with a situation where ICICI Bank’s survival was in jeopardy in the face of a global economic meltdown. The situation was being analysed with a hawk’s eye by major media platforms and debated widely in the public space… I got down to work, systematically communicating with all stakeholders – from the smallest depositor to the sophisticated investors, and from regulators to the government – the bank was sound and its exposure to these institutions involved a small portion of its assets. I understood their concern because so many of them feared that their hard earned savings in our bank could be at risk. I also advised staff across the bank’s various branches to lend a sympathetic ear to those depositors who turned up to withdraw their money, telling them to also offer the depositors a seat and a glass of water while they waited. And though, depositors were welcome to withdraw their money if they wanted to, our staff also took care to explain to them that it would not help them to take their money away, because there was no real crisis situation.
It was during this period that I took a couple of hours off one day to attend your brother’s squash tournament. I did not know it then, but my very presence at the tournament went a long way in reinstalling customer confidence in the bank. A few mothers at the tournament came and asked me if I was Chanda Kochhar from ICICI Bank and when I replied in the affirmative they said that if I could still find time to attend a tournament in the midst of a crisis, it meant that the bank was in safe hands and they need not worry about their money!
It was also from my mother that I learnt the importance of adapting to circumstances and not being afraid of the unknown. While working hard for my career, I looked after my family, and have been there for my mother and in-laws when they needed me around. They reciprocated in kind with their unconditional love and support for my career. Remember that relationships are important and have to be nurtured and cherished. Also keep in mind that a relationship is a two way street, so be ready to give a relationship just as you would expect the other person to be giving to you
My career would not have progressed the way it did were it not for your father who never once complained about the time I spent away from home. Your father and I nurtured our relationship despite the fact that we were both busy with our own careers, and I am confident you will do the same with your partner, when the time comes. If you had complained and whined about my extended absence from home, I would never have had the heart to make a career for myself. I am blessed with a great and supportive family and I really hope you too will be as fortunate when you set out on your own!
I remember the day your board exams were about to commence. I had taken leave from work so that I could take you to the examination hall myself. When you realized I was coming, you told me how you were used to going for your exams alone for so many years. It hurt me to hear you say that, but I also think in some ways, having a working mother made you much more independent from a very young age itself. You not only became independent, but also stepped into the nurturer’s role for your younger brother and never let him miss my presence. I learnt to have trust and faith in you and you have now grown into a wonderful, independent woman. I now use the same principle at work to make our growing population of younger talent take on larger responsibilities.
I believe in fate but I also believe that hard work and diligence plays a very important role in our lives. In a larger sense, we all write our own destiny. Take destiny in your own hands, dream of what you want to achieve, and write it in your own way. As you go ahead in life, I want you to climb the path to success one step at a time. Aim for the sky, but move slowly, enjoying every step along the way. It is all those little steps that make the journey complete.
As you go forward, you will sometimes have to take difficult decisions, decisions that others might scorn at. But you must have the courage to stand up for what you believe in. Make sure you have that conviction to do what you know is right, and once you have it, don’t let skeptics distract you from your path.
Aarti, there is no limit to what a determined mind can achieve, but in achieving your goal, don’t compromise on the values of fair play and honesty. Don’t cut corners or compromise to achieve your dreams. Remember to be sensitive to the feelings of people around you. And remember, if you don’t allow stress to overtake you, it will never become an issue in your life.
Remember that good times and bad times will be part of your life equally, and you have to learn to handle both with equanimity. Make the most of life’s opportunities and learn from every opportunity, and challenge that life brings along.
Lovingly yours,

20 Cool WhatsApp Tricks To Message Like A Boss

20 Cool WhatsApp Tricks To Message Like A Boss
20 Cool WhatsApp Tricks To Message Like A Boss

If there was ever a debate on which smartphone app we use the most, the winner would definitely be WhatsApp. The popular instant messenger is easy to use but it has some hidden features and tweaks that we tend to miss out on. Moreover, WhatsApp keeps on adding features discreetly, so it’s important for us to be up to date. If you’ve been looking to get a hold on all WhatsApp tricks, you are at the right place. We love tinkering and as a result, we have found some amazing tricks. Also, WhatsApp has removed its subscription plans and the service is free now, so what better way to celebrate than talking about some cool WhatsApp tricks.
I am listing down some basic tricks for WhatsApp.
1. Hiding Last Seen, Profile Picture and Status
The “last seen” feature can be the root to some problems in life and keeping that in mind, WhatsApp has included the ability to hide it altogether. You can hide your last seen, profile picture and status from people.
To do that, you just need to go to WhatsApp’s 
There you will have the options to choose whether you want your last seen, profile picture and status to be seen by 
“Everyone”, “Contacts” or “Nobody”
Note: If you hide your last seen, you won’t be able to see others’ last seen as well. 
2. Manage Auto Downloading of Media
While auto-download on WhatsApp is a convenient feature rather than manually tapping download every time a picture or video arrives but it can suck up your limited mobile data bandwidth. Thus, there are options to set that accordingly.
You will find the options in Settings->Chats and calls->Media auto-download. You can then set whether you want to auto download images, audio and videos on mobile data, WiFi and roaming.

3. Turn Off Read Receipts aka Blue Ticks
Read receipts aka blue ticks, like last seen, can create some relationship issues, so you might have contemplated on turning it OFF entirely. Well, WhatsApp understands that and there’s an option to turn it off.
WhatsApp features the option in Settings->Account->Privacy. In the Privacy page, you will find a toggle to turn off “Read Receipts“.
Note: If you turn off read receipts, you too will not be able to view anyone else’s read receipts. 
4. Check When a Message was Read
WhatsApp lets you check when a message sent by you was read first. It’s simple, as all you need to do is press hold on a message and tap “Info“. Once you do that, you will be able to see the time when your message was delivered and read.

5. Change your Number
There are times when we move to a new place and we have to take a new number. In that case, you can simply change your phone number on WhatsApp without losing any of your chats or data.
Head over to Settings->Account->Change number, then enter your old and new number. Once WhatsApp is done verifying through SMS or call, your number will be changed.
6. Delete your WhatsApp Account
With all the hoopla internet brings to our lives, we sometimes consider taking a break from it and that’s when you would want to delete your WhatsApp account.
To delete your WhatsApp account, go to Settings->Account->Delete my account. Enter your country code & mobile number to verify and your account will be deleted. Keep in mind though that deleting your WhatsApp account will remove you from all groups and erase your message history and backups.
7. Set up Popup Notifications and Reply Directly
WhatsApp includes the ability to get popup notifications on Android. You can turn it on by going to Settings->Notifications->Popup notification. You can set it to show popup when screen is off or on, or you can set it to “always show popup”. The popup notification also lets you reply directly from the popup, which makes chatting with more people simultaneously easier.
8. Change WhatsApp Wallpaper

The same old wallpaper in WhatsApp’s chats can get a little monotonous after some time and that’s why WhatsApp lets you set custom wallpaper to spice things up a bit. The option to choose wallpaper resides in Settings->Chats and calls->Wallpaper. You can choose to have custom wallpaper from your Gallery or choose one from WhatsApp’s library.
9. Backup Chats on Local Storage or Google Drive
WhatsApp has had the ability to backup chats on your device’s local storage but it recently rolled out a new feature, which lets you backup your chats on Google Drive
To back up your chats, go to Settings->Chats and calls->Chat back up and tap “Back up”. The page also shows you your last backup and its size.
10. Use Less Data on WhatsApp Calls
WhatsApp call is a great feature but it does take up a lot of bandwidth and this reason why WhatsApp included a low data usage mode recently.
You can turn on low data usage on WhatsApp calls by going into Settings->Chats and calls->Low data usage.
11. Read a Message without Going Online
This is something we all want because at times, we want to see a certain message but we don’t want to go online. There’s a way for that and it’s very easy. After the message has arrived, simply turn off mobile data or turn on airplane mode on your device and then, open WhatsApp and see the message. Once you are done, come back to the home screen and turn on your mobile data. Pretty easy, right?
12. Block a Contact
WhatsApp is a great app that brings people closer but there are people who get on your nerve and you feel like removing them from your WhatsApp account. Fortunately, there is an option to block contacts on WhatsApp.
You can block a contact on Android by going into their chat thread and tapping the three dot button the tap right. Then, select More->”Block”.
13. Archive Chats
What do you do if you don’t want to delete a chat thread but you don’t want to see it either? Well, you put it to archives.

You can press hold on a chat and you will get the option to “Archive chat” among others.
14. Mute Groups and Notifications
Groups on WhatsApp are a great way to message a lot of people at once but they can get annoying sometimes. Well, there are options to mute a group and you can also stop getting notifications.
To mute a group, Go to group info on WhatsApp and turn on mute. You can turn on mute for 8 hours, a week or even a year. You also get an option to turn off “show notifications” while muting a group.
15. Email a Conversation
If you want to keep a special chat safe in your email account, WhatsApp lets you do that easily. On Android phones, press hold on a chat and you will get an option to “Email chat”. You can also send the media on WhatsApp as email attachments.
16. Star Messages
Our conversations contain various special moments and we do feel like saving them to relive it later. That’s what starring messages lets you do. When you star messages, it saves those messages in a Starred Messages folder. You can easily star messages by press holding on a message and then pressing the star icon. You can find the Starred Messages in WhatsApp Settings.
17. Use WhatsApp Web
WhatsApp Web is a now a well-known feature but it’s an important one nonetheless. That’s the reason we are reiterating here on how to use it.
To use it, go to and tap WhatsApp web on your phone to scan the QR code from your PC. Once you’re done, you will see your WhatsApp chats in your browser tab. Moreover, WhatsApp Web also brings you notifications although that’s only when WhatsApp Web is open in a tab.
18. Send Public Messages in Bulk Privately (Broadcast)

On various occasions like New Year, it’s a great hassle to go on wishing Happy New Year to people individually, which makes WhatsApp’s broadcast feature all the more useful. WhatsApp’s broadcast feature lets you send messages in bulk privately without the recipients knowing that it has been sent through broadcast.
You can just tap the three dot button and tap “New broadcast” to create one and tap “New List” to create a new broadcast.
19. Set Custom Notification Tones
You can set custom notification notes for both message and calls on WhatsApp.  To do it, go to a contact’s info on WhatsApp and select “Custom notifications”. You can then choose a different ringtone & message tone for that contact. You can even set a custom vibration duration and notification light.
20. Check if WhatsApp is Connected or

When you are in roaming or a place with poor network, you might have noticed some issues with WhatsApp notifications. That happens when WhatsApp isn’t able to connect properly. To make sure if WhatsApp on your phone is online or not, you can check the System Status.
To check if WhatsApp is working properly or not, go to WhatsApp Settings->Help->System Status and you will see a message telling you if the service is operating normally or not.

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How to see Saved Passwords in Google Chrome

Everyday we use internet and we enter into so many websites, so many login and passwords but as a Human tendency we forget few things and like wise we also forget Passwords and then the problems starts.

When we login for the first time, most of the browsers will ask to save the passwords and we also save it sometime.

You can see all passwords at one place if you are using Google Chrome. 


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Top 10 Facts about Vijay Mallya-Indian Liquor Baron-King of Good Times

Top 10 Facts about Vijay Mallya-Indian Liquor Baron-King of Good Times
King of Good Times 

1. Vijay Mallya’s Busines:

Vijay Mallya became the Chairman of the ‘United Breweries Group’ at the age of 28 years, after his father’ death.

The Annual Turnover of the ‘United Breweries Group’ increased by 64%, over a period of 15 years after Vijay Mallya took over the business.

The Liquor Brands of Vijay Mallya’s Group includes the following:
  • King Fisher Beer,
  • Royal Challenge,
  • Bag Piper,
  • Romanov and
  • Black Dog etc.
As the owner of the ‘King Fisher’ Beer with more than 50% of the Indian Beer Market, Vijay Mallya was called the ‘Liquor Baron’. 

Vijay Mallya has acquired the following businesses:
  • Berger Paints,
  • Best and Crompton,
  • Mangalore Chemicals& Fertilizers,
  • The Asian Age Newspaper and
  • Cine Blitz (A Bollywood Cinema Magazine).
The ‘Kingfisher Airlines’ had been  the ‘Dream Venture’ of Vijay Mallya, which  turned out to be the ‘Drowning Ship’ of his business empire.

2.Vijay Mallya’s Family:

Vijay Mallya married Sameera Tyabjee, an Air Hostess in the year 1986. 
Siddharth Mallya was born to the couple -Vijay Mallya and Sameera Tyabjee in the year 1987.

Vijay Mallya and Sameera Tyabjee got divorced after a few years.

Vijay Mallya married Rekha from Coorg, who was known to him since his childhood days, in the year 1993.

The couple -Vijay Mallya and Rekha have 2 daughters –Leanna and Tanya.

3. Awards and Honours Received by Vijay Mallya :

  • Honorary degree of Doctorate of Philosophy in Business Administration, by the Southern California University for Professional Studies- 1997
  • Officer de la Legion d' Honneur, a high award of recognition in France.
  • Global Leader for Tomorrow, World Economic Forum.
  • Entrepreneur of the Year award at The Asian Awards-2010

4. Vijay Mallya the ‘Auction King’:

Top 10 Facts about Vijay Mallya-Indian Liquor Baron-King of Good Times

Vijay Mallya has successfully bid items of great historical value to India, such as the following:
  • The Sword of Tipu Sultan’ for £1, 75,000 in the year 2004, at an auction in London,
  • 30 other items owned by Tipu Sultan from Auction Houses in the United Kingdom and
  • The belongings of Mahatma Gandhi for US $ 1.8 Million in an auction held at New York, USA
5. Political Career of Vijay Mallya: 

Vijay Mallya had been elected a Member of the Rajya Sabha, the Upper House of the Parliament of India, as an independent candidate and he was not belonging to any political party.

6. Vijay Mallya as a ‘Bank  Loans Defaulter’:

Vijay Mallya owes total Bank Loans of more than Rs 9000 Crores to 17 Banks.
State Bank of India/SBI has tagged Vijay Mallya as a ‘Willful Defaulter’.

As of 2nd March 2016, Vijay Mallya has reportedly fled out of India in view of his heavy dues to Banks in India.

However, Vijay Mallya has tweeted that, he has not absconded and he is an 'International Businessman' frequently traveling to and staying in foreign countries.

7. Net Worth/ Assets of Vijay Mallya:

As of the year 2013, the Net worth of Vijay Mallya had been approximately US$750 million.

After the downfall of the King Fisher Airlines, his Net Worth has been reported by many sources to have come down to US $ 250 Million.

Vijay Mallya is reported to own many assets abroad, especially in UK and USA, including a private Jet Plane and a Yacht.

8. Sports Ventures of Vijay Mallya:

Vijay Mallya co-owns the ‘Formula One Team Sahara Force India’. 

Vijay Mallya’s companies own the Indian Premier League /IPL team-‘Royal Challenger Bangalore’ and the Foot Ball Teams- Mohun Bagan A.C. and East Bengal F.C. 

Vijay Mallya is a member of the 'World Motors Bangalore Port Council' representing India in the FIA.

9. Cars collections of Vijay Mallya: 

Top 10 Facts about Vijay Mallya-Indian Liquor Baron-King of Good Times

Vijay Mallya is a ‘car lover’ and has a collection of more than 200 cars and many of his cars are in California, USA.

A 100 year old Rolls-Royce car was purchased by him in the year 1980.

Many of his cars are reportedly ceased by banks in India for the loans outstanding/ overdue by Vijay Mallya.

10. Unknown facts about Vijay Mallya:

  • Vijay Mallya loves Bentley
  • His favourite wine is ‘Ferrari Carano’
  • He speaks fluently in: Bengali, Hindi, Kannada, Konkani, Gujarati and English; he also knows French.
  • His favourite sweets are mishti doi and chocolates
  • His favourite colour is Red
  • He listens to English Retro Music of the 60’s and 70’s
  • He is busy always in work or partying. (His wife Rekha on the other hand hates party)
  • He makes sure to celebrate every family member’s birthday by being personally present.
  • On his birthday (18th December) he gets the entire family together beside him.
  • Forbes has listed Vijay Mallya in 'Billionaires' ranking for many  years till the year 2013.
  • His Kingfisher Airlines, which owes banks over $1 billion, have not paid salaries for 15 months to its staff members
  • Blackberry is his constant companion.

Highlights of Union Budget 2016 - 17

Union Budget 2016-17
Union Budget 2016-17

1. Rs. 35984 crores allotted for agriculture sector.
2. Rs. 17000 crores for irrigation projects.
3. Two new Organic farming scheme for 5 lakh acres.
4. Rs. 19000 crores for Gram Sadak Yojana
5. Rs. 9 Lakh Crores Agriculture Credit Target.
6. Rs. 38500 crores for MANREGA, highest ever.
7. Rs. 2.87 Lakh crores to be spent on Villages in total.
8. Rs. 9000 crores for Swach Bharat Mission.
9. Rs. 97000 Crores for Roads.
10. Total Outlay on Roads and railway Rs. 2.18 Lk Crores.
11. Rs. 2.21 Lakh Crores on Infra Projects.
12. NHAI to raise Rs. 15000 crores via NHAI Bonds.
13. More benches for SEBI Appellate tribunal.
14. Registration of Company in One Day for Start-ups.
15. Rs. 25000 crores for Banks rehabilitation.
16. 100% FDI for food processing.
17. Non planned expenditure of Rs. 14.28 Lk Crores.
18. Planned expenditure increased by 15.3% .
19. Relief Section 87A Rs. 2000 to Rs. 5000
20. Relief Sec 80GG Rs. 24000 to Rs. 60000
21. Section 44AD limits Rs. 1 crores to Rs. 2 crores. Rs. 50 Lakh for professional
22. Accelerated depreciation limited to 40%
23. New manufacturing companies will pay tax @ 25%.
24. LTCG on unlisted securities limited to 2 years.
25. 100% tax deduction for companies building houses upto 30 sq. mtrs.
26. Additional interest deduction for first house.
27. No service tax for building houses upto 60 sq mtrs.
28. 10% dividend tax for recipient over Rs. 10 lakh per annum.
29. TCS on purchase of asset over Rs. 2 Lakh in case and luxury cars.
30. VDS Scheme @ 30% + surcharge, Ist June to 30th September 2016.
31. Dispute resolution for appeal pending before Commissioner(Appeals).
32. Penalty for concealment of Income from 100-300% to 50-200%.
33. Rationalisation of TDS provisions.
34. 11 new benches for Income Tax Appellate tribunal.
35. No face to face scrutiny.

Click here to watch in You tube 

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 రామ లక్ష్మి , తన ఫ్యామిలీ మెంబెర్స్ , ఫ్రెండ్స్ , తెలిసిన వాళ్ళు నుంచి ఒక 30 పేర్లు రాసింది.. 

మేనేజర్ :- రామ లక్ష్మి ఇందు లోంచి 4 పేర్లు డిలీట్ చేయి . Rama లక్ష్మి తెలిసిన వాళ్ళవి 4 పేర్లు తొలగించింది .. 

మేనేజర్ :- రామ లక్ష్మి ఒక 10 పేర్లు తొలగించు రామ లక్ష్మి ఫ్రెండ్స్ పేర్లు తొలగించింది. 

మేనేజర్ :- రామ లక్ష్మి మొత్తము 4 పేర్లు మాత్రమే ఉంచు. 

రామ లక్ష్మి :- రామ లక్ష్మి తన భర్త పేరు , కొడుకు పేరు తల్లి తండ్రి పేరు వుంచి మిగిలినవి తొలగించింది... 

మేనేజర్ :- ఇంకో రెండు పేర్లు తొలగించు .. హాల్ మొత్తము నిసబ్దము గా వుంది .. రామ లక్ష్మి తల్లి తండ్రి పేరులు తొలగించింది .. 

మేనేజర్ : - ఇంకో ఒక పేరు తీసేయి ... రామ లక్ష్మి ఏడుస్తూ తన కొడుకు పేరు తొలగించింది. వెళ్లి తన సీట్ లో కూచుంది .. 

మేనేజర్ :- నువ్వు జన్మ ఇచిన కొడుకు పేరు , నీకు జన్మ ఇచిన్న తల్లి తండ్రి పేరు తీసేసి బయటా నుంచి వచిన్న భర్త పేరు మాత్రమే ఎందుకు వుంచావు ..

రామ లక్ష్మి :-సర్ జీవితము లో చివరి వరకు ఒకరి ఒకరు తోడూ వుండేది భార్య భర్తలు మాత్రమే , ఎప్పటికి భార్య భర్తలు కలిసి వుండాలి ఒకలని ఒక్కలు ప్రేమించుకోవాలి గౌరవించుకోవాలి .. కలకలం శాశ్వతము గా వుండేది భార్య భర్త మాత్రమే హాల్ అంత చపట్లు తో మారుమోగి పోయింది ... 

Love your wife, Love your Husband.. 

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