12 excited facts about Abraham Lincoln’s life


In addition to the facts that most people know - Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 - April 15, 1865) was the 16th president and he issued the Emancipation Proclamation - there are plenty more facts about one of the most popular and accomplished presidents.
1. He didn’t drink, smoke, or chew. Lincoln was a simple man of tastes, and he never drank in the White House.Lincoln favorite food was fruit and he loved to eat oysters. He was also a big fan of chicken casserole.

2. He was a big animal lover, but he wouldn’t hunt or fish. If he were alive today, Lincoln would be running an animal shelter.His dog was named Fido, cat was named Tabby.

3. He was the only president to have a patent: Lincoln invented a device to free steamboats that ran aground.

4. Lincoln argued a case before the Supreme Court in 1849 and lost.He practiced law without a degree. Lincoln had about 18 months of formal schooling.

5. He really was a wrestler. Lincoln was documented as taking part in wrestling bouts. We don’t think he wore a mask or had a manager.

6. He lost in his first bid for a presidential ticket. The unknown Lincoln was an unsuccessful vice presidential candidate in 1856 at the Republican convention.

7. He never belonged to an organized church. Lincoln read the Bible daily, but he never joined an organized church in his lifetime.

8. He didn’t have a middle name. Lincoln went through his life with two names.

9. He hated being called Abe. Apparently, he preferred being called by his last name.

10. Lincoln established Thanksgiving as a national holiday.

11. He was the first president born outside of the 13 original states.Lincoln lost five separate elections before being elected president

12. Lincoln was the first president to use the telegraph and he used the telegraph like email to communicate with generals.

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