Some Exciting facts about La Tomatina ( Tomato Fight )

One of the world's biggest yearly sustenance battles turns 70 this year which held on the last Wednesday in August every year, local people and travelers accumulate in the town square of Buñol, Spain, close Valencia, to pelt one another with crushed tomatoes and revel in the red-recolored boulevards. 

1. La Tomatina Is Said to Have Started After a Fight Near a Market in 1945 

2. The Tomato Fight Starts After Someone Climbs a Greasy Pole in the Town Square to Retrieve a Ham 

3. The Event Has Become a Major Tourist Attraction, Drawing Thousands to Buñol Every August 

4. The Blood-Red Tomato Juice Actually Keeps the Town's Streets Clean 

5. The Tomato-Throwing Tradition Has Spread Around the World 

6. In a battle that goes on for 60 minutes, around 150,000 tomatoes meet their destiny. The tomatoes utilized are low-quality, second rate in taste and come shoddy from a spot called Extremadura. 

7. Regularly the battle transforms into a perky clash of the genders in the middle of men and ladies present. 

8.An endeavor to reproduce the celebration in Bangalore, India, was met with cruel feedback over the 'wastage of tomatoes' that prompted a boycott of the occasion.

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What a girl's each Actions Mean

Ever notice it tough understanding a women actions. All guys do! we tend to got you coated on understanding this tough anatomy

1. All women flirt, some don’t mean it.
2. women don’t invariably understand what they require.
3. women already understand the reality even before they raise you. thus take care guys.
4. once women write guys notes, that guy ought to keep them.
5. women need a guy to prove that there not all a similar.
6. If a woman admits that she misses a man, she extremely will. Don’t take this too gently
7. Sometimes, women take a look at guys to ascertain however they’ll react.
8. If a woman continues to be loving with some other person, they're going to ne'er say something dangerous concerning them.
9. women area unit additional observant than guys suppose.
10. If a woman lays her head on her guys chest and simply listens to his heartbeat, she’s being attentive to see if it'll tell her what he’s thinking.
12. once women say nothing is wrong, shes lying. Everything is wrong. this can be irony, I know.
13. once women say NO, it solely means that keep attempting. women area unit inconsistent, particularly once deciding for his or her guy’s interests.
14. women keep in mind very little things the foremost.
15. once women hold their boyfriends tight, they ne'er wish to let that moment go.
16. If a woman says your vital to her, its true.
17. If a woman laughs at a guys each joke, she likes him.
18. once a woman asks a man what their thinking, they extremely do care.
19. women ne'er bit guys by chance.
20. women area unit sensible detectives. Some simply doesn't open it up with their beau.
21. If a woman desires you to be along with her, you’ll understand it.
22. women will entertain each guy around, however at the tip of the day, she’ll be look the sun set with the one she really loves.
23. If a woman extremely cares a couple of guy, you'll be able to see it in her eyes.
24. It hurts women to dump guys.
25. once a woman tells you concerning things she loves, like viewing stars or being attentive to the rain and different crummy stuffs seen solely in movies, she’s falling for you.
26. once a woman holds a guys hand, she ne'er desires to let it go.

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What Girls Don’t Like

How to Treat a woman the method She ought to be Treated

Facts on Girls About Their Friends, Family, Love and Relationship

How a girl acts around her friends and family, and how she manages to put you around this circle tells a more about how important you are to her.

1. If a girl wants to meet a guys family, let them. It means they care.
2. If girls is being close and friendly with their guy friends in front of their boyfriends, it usually doesn’t mean anything except that they’ve been friends with that guy longer then you have been their boyfriend. Don’t get offended.
3. When a girl will ditch her friends to hang out with a guy, its a big deal.
4. If a girl is mad at her boyfriend, she doesn’t want to say anything about it, she just wishes he’d know.
5. When girls don’t want to talk about their ex-boyfriend, she’s probably not completely over him.
6. If a girl will sit by her boyfriend’s friends, she really cares about him.
7. If a girl will be a guys girlfriend, she really likes him.
8. Girls hesitate to fall in love because they always assume they’ll get hurt. Prove to your girl you won’t hurt her.
9. Girls feel flattered if a guy would greet him first in their special occasions (e.g. monthsaries, anniversaries, etc.) because a guy tend to be forgetful.
10. Girls love it when guys say sweet things in front of their friends, but understand if they don’t
11. If a girl tells a guy she was talking about him with her friends, its always about something good.
12. Girls sometimes think if you love them more than you love your exes. And sometimes conclude that you are still not over with your last ex-girlfriend.
13. Changing for the better will let her stick with you. It simply means that you want to grow with her inside the relationship you are building.
14. When a girl slow dances with her boyfriend in random places like her room or even in the kitchen, with no music on, thats when he knows she’s in love with him.
15. Sharing your future family plans is important to her.This is your chance to show her how serious you are, especially when you are ready to have a family with her.
16. If a girl dumps a guy because she thinks she can’t make him happiest, that’s love.
17. Girls look at the other girls that their boyfriend is with as their enemy. Like a tigress, that’s what she is.
18. If you break a girls heart, she’ll never be the same.
19. If a girl really loves you, she will not  be able to see anything bad about you.

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How to Treat a woman the method She ought to be Treated

Here are some facts on however woman need to be treated. Have a swish sailing into the link as you follow these rules and treat her right

1. Say one thing sweet, she likes it. this is often one in all the simplest things that you just guys must always bear in mind doing, as typically as you'll particularly once she’s not within the mood. somewhat appreciation regarding however smart she is wanting in your date and once she smells nice are some things that might place a smile on her face even only for a short time and would shortly ease the tensions inside her.
2. If you decision a woman “Hot” it doesn’t mean something. decision her sweet and beutiful and beautiful. That’s the correct thanks to woo a lady.
3. ladies like to cuddle! A lot!
4. If a man remembers one thing vital to a woman that she aforementioned and he brings it up later, it makes that ladies feel special.
5. She doesn’t expect you to scan her mind; she needs you to raise her.
6. If a man is aware of a woman isn’t over her ex-boyfriend, don’t decision her out on that, show her what proportion higher you're.
7. ladies like to be stared at typically. wanting straight in her eyes tells one thing, this melts her heart particularly once she is interested in you.
8. ladies like to be spoiled. they generally have this immature a part of them very|that basically|that actually} comes out particularly once they need one thing really badly.
9. If a girl’s heart has been shattered, she’ll be hesitant to speak regarding her issues to a man initially. 
10. once guys tell one thing meaning, ladies treasure it. Your reminiscent words that catch girl’s attention would very last a period in their hearts.
11. once a woman is being serious, hear her.
12. Treat your lady right, or some other person can.
13. ladies like it once the guy doesn’t take long to reply and keep the voice communication going.
14. Walk her home when a date, she needs to feel safe. albeit ladies don't say it, they require to be walked safely to their homes. Doing this as a gentleman would be a awfully huge issue, particularly for women UN agency simply observant you if you'll be able to very watch out of them.
15. create time for her. The time that you just provide her is extremely vital for her, Associate in Nursingd the maximum amount as potential any disturbances shouldn't be an possibility for you instead she's going to feel taken with no consideration.
16. attempt to have an interest along with her interests. ladies would very appreciate a man UN agency makes a shot to blend-in along with her hobbies.
17. ladies love special things particularly once it’s given as a surprise. Do one thing special for her typically. Doing one thing like giving her flowers and stuff toys only for no reason would create her day important and price memory. creating ladies feel exceptional would create them feel smart regarding themselves as and can remove a number of their insecurities similarly.
18. foreplay her while not a reason could be a terribly sweet issue for her, particularly after you pair amazingly.
19. once ladies hear regarding their adult male bragging regarding the limited things, like looking tv along, it makes them appreciate him additional.
20. Girls always think that they could look better, so guys should inform them of their beauty.
21. When a guy still loves a girl at her worst look, it makes her think that he is sincere about her.
22. Girls like to be called beautiful all the time and complimenting her looks is a big deal, telling her how beautiful she is more than enough.
23. Girls like it when guys say they love something about them, like their smile.
24. If a girl thinks you’ll judge her for something, she’ll never open up to you fully.

What Girls Don’t Like

Here are list of things that you should never do to a girl if you want to be on her good side. Be a gentleman and follow these facts

1. Girls don’t like to like guys that aren’t over their ex-girlfriends.
2. Never compare her to other women, even your own mother.
3. Girls don’t like to talk about ex’s.
4. When a girl doesn’t feel good and when she doesn’t talk much. Don’t push her mouth into talking, you will just fight.
5. Girls are way too forgiving. Don’t take advantage of it.
6. Don’t lie to her, he knows when you are.
7. Don’t make her say something repeatedly. This type would really pick something on girls, and if you keep on asking her about something for the 3rd and 4th time, it just means that you are not interested and not listening carefully to what she is talking about.
8. A right way to make a girl mad is not trust her when she’s being honest.
9. If a girl hates someone, her boyfriend should probably not talk to them( at least in front of them ).
10. Girls hate it when their guy friends make fun of their boyfriend.
11. First rule when you enter her life, never cheat! You would want to think twice before getting involved with two girls at the one time. It’s just whether one girl would stick with you, or both girls would slap and create the hell out of you, so be sure that you are really a good guy when you are looking for a good girl.
12. Girls hate it when guys ignore them.
13. Don’t break her trust. If a girl tells you a secret, don’t ever let it go.
14. Girls are sometimes drama queens,however you are not allowed to call her that. It would make the whole situation worst, just go as the flow goes and be the man she needs for the moment.
15. Never underestimate the feelings a girl has for her boyfriend.

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What do women Like in Guys ???

Wondering what ideal sort of a man that women want? Don’t worry we tend to got you lined and here area unit the facts:

1. women attempt to hint at what they need from guys, they don’t prefer to say it.
2. women like holding hands. A guys girlfriend desires to be the sole hand that he desires to carry. Even publically, it means that you’re protective her and pleased with her.
3. women love surprises and gifts particularly throughout vital occasions. a lady might expect one thing from her young man however that doesn’t mean he simply loves the fabric things that go along with the link. It simply means that you keep in mind her.
4. Girls like it when guys ask advice from them. This action simply shows that you just trust her.
5. If a lady likes an exact item of clothing that her young man wears, he ought to wear it a lot of.
6. women like guys who can protect her in all means.
7. If a lady very desires to be with a man, she’ll check that it happens.
8. women don’t like too flirty guys. toying with plenty of ladies merely means that you’re not a one-woman-man; keep in mind that actions speak louder all the time.
9. Be protecting, however not an excessive amount of. She likes it once you take care of her, however to not the purpose of choking her now and then.
10. women wish to feel that you are pleased with being them. they'll not tell you however generally they need you to point out them off to your family and friends.
11. Knowing her likes and dislikes is cool for her. this means that you are that interested to know and  understand  higher and to form ways that to  make her happy.
12. women love romantic guys. Kiss her underneath the rain and in front  of your family and friends, it’s not that difficult.
13. women love guys who don't only think about sex.

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Your Pictures Are Worth More Than Thousands of Rupees

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So you bought some instant culture fame. however what has being web illustrious ever finished anyone? individuals ar simply planning to take that pic you shared for free of charge and take advantage of it: they’ll place it on t-shirts, mugs, they’ll embrace it in a very book, they’ll use it for love or money they'll sell. after all you’ll ne'er see any of that cash.
But what if may|you'll|you may} get your share? What if all those photos you are taking and transfer to the net for fun could really cause you to money? It’s like having somebody recommend that you simply will get obtained victimization the net. Well, that’s precisely what Get Paid Taking photos will.
All you wish could be a camera or a phone with camera capabilities, a membership with Get Paid Taking photos and you'll be able to create instant money off of your photos.
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Michael Davis was busting his hump as a Walmart flunkie once someday he was approached by a person UN agency wished archangel to require his picture—just a snap of the person walking with a bag in his hand on his thanks to his car—that’s it. the person within the pic told archangel that this was however he created a lot of money everyday.
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Happy Independence day all.!! Some interesting facts about Our Independence day

India has a long history to tell about itself since independent till now. On the occasion of India's 69th Independence Day, here are some interesting and unknown facts related to India and independence.

National flag was hoisted first on August 7, 1906 at the Parsee Bagan Square in Calcutta. The flag was composed of horizontal strips of red, yellow and green. The red strip at the top had eight white lotuses embossed on it in a row. The green strip had a white sun on the left and a white crescent and star on the right.

The name `India' is derived from the River Indus, the valleys around which were the home of the first inhabitants of India. The Sanskrit name for India is Bharat Ganarajya. That is the reason why it is also called Bharat. The name “India” comes from the Indus River, which is where earliest settlers made their homes.

The current flag has three colours in it. The top strip saffron stands for courage and sacrifice; the middle portion white for peace, truth, purity and green for faith, fertility and chivalry. The Ashok Chakra at the centre of the flag — righteousness.

India never invaded any country in her last 100000 years of history.

It is said that the first version of the current national flag was made by Pingali Venkayya at Bezwada in 1921. It was made up of two colours-red and green-representing the two major communities. Gandhiji suggested the addition of a white strip to represent the remaining communities of India and the spinning wheel to symbolize progress of the Nation.

The current flag has three colours in it. The top strip saffron stands for courage and sacrifice; the middle portion white for peace, truth, purity and green for faith, fertility and chivalry. The Ashok Chakra at the centre of the flag — righteousness.

When India became independent on August 15, 1947 there was no National Anthem. Even though the Bengali invocation of Jana Gana Mana was written in 1911, it was not considered as national anthem till 1950.

Controversy surrounding Jana Gana Mana claims that Rabindranath Tagore wrote the song ‘Jana Gana Mana’ for the British monarch. He later refuted this claim and said that he wrote the song as requested by his friend and the song pronounced the victory in ‘Jana Gana Mana’ of that Bhagya Vidhata of India and not of King George V.

On August 15, 1947, when India became free from the foreign rule, Mahatma Gandhi was in Calcutta. Gandhiji spent his day in prayers, fasting and spinning protesting the madness of communal hatred.

Hindi is not India’s national language as many think or believe; it’s the official language. Article 343 of the Constitution states that Hindi in Devnagari script is the official language of India. But Hindi is the first official language of India and Hindi was declared the Official Language of the Union on September 14, 1949.

Interestingly, Gandhiji wanted the Congress to be disbanded immediately after the independence. This resolution for Congress, drafted by Gandhiji on the eve of his assassination, said, “India having attained political independence through means devised by the INC, the Congress in its present shape and form, i.e., as a propaganda vehicle and parliamentary machine had outlived its use.”

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Is buying online more advantage than Traditional way ..???

There was once a time that you could only buy a Chinese phone through an online shop, but with the popularity of Chinese phones more local distributors have set up, so which is better for the customer?
When buying a Chinese phone you have a lot of big choices to make. First of all you need to choose the Chinese Android phone which suits your requirements, and then you need to choose where to buy the phone from.
There are generally only 3 choices where to buy your Chinese phone from and they are 1) Through an online shop, 2) Through the manufactures store, 3) Through a local distributor or retailer. Since the manufactures stores are very less we will see about Online shop and the local distributor or retailer .

What is a Online Shop ?

Online shop is what we call an online store which deals in a huge number of Chinese phones, tablets, and accessories. Some resellers will specialise in just a single product or brand, while others will sell everything from phones to wedding dresses. Resellers will usually work with smaller Chinese phone makers, and also buy phones when they go on flash sale in China only, then resell them internationally.

What is a local Distributor or Retailer ?

A local distributor is a company located in your home country (or close) who have an official partnership with a manufacturer to sell their phones.

Advantages and Disadvantages

There are advantages and disadvantages with either option you choose, but choose wisely and you will come out with the best deal and phone.

Buying from a Online shop


They get the latest phones in stock before distributors.
Phone prices are usually cheaper.
Some online stores  work with the manufacturer so you still have a warranty.
A huge choice of phones to choose from.
Convenient online purchase.


Hidden costs can significantly increase costs e.g shipping, Cash on delivery charges.
Cost of shipping if you need to return the device for warranty.
Shipping delays
Customs Issues in the past with dishonest online shoppers can make buying a risk.

Buying from a local distributor


Low/Free shipping
Fast shipping
Less chance of hidden costs.
Ease of communication through language and also the time difference.
Ease of return for warranty and repair.
Possibility of visiting a physical store and trying before you buy.
Less chance of disappearing over night.


Much higher price
Still a chance of delay if they need to send your phone back for warranty

Where to buy your Chinese phone from? Resellers or Distributors

There is a lot to take in to consideration here. Although it looks like you can get the most benefit from buying from a local distributor you also have a chance of getting the same service from online store. We know of European Chinese phone fans who are able to buy their phones with free shipping and no customs tax and have no issues with the device, then again there are some customers who have had to pay customs and shipping, and then suffered more time and cost with having to return the phone. Buying from online store is more of a gamble, but if you do your research you can save money and not worry about after sales service.
Buying from a distributor is the less risky option but it also costs a lot more too. For example we have see a mobile phone from online shop at only Rs.6999 while the distributors/ Retailer charge Rs.7499. The Rs.500 difference isn’t all going in the pocket of the store though, it covers VAT, shipping from China, shipping to the customer, initial customs and cost of after sales service, the actual profit is very little.

There really is no simple answer to the question of where to buy. Just remember that putting in as much research on where to buy might save you as much time and money as researching what to buy.

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Few Facts About KISSING which makes you Excited

How to Use WhatsApp in PC...??? Now you try this

One of the limitations of WhatsApp is that you can only use it on your phone. If you are not carrying your phone, you're stuck without WhatsApp. Well, not anymore.

WhatsApp has rolled out WhatsApp Web that lets you use WhatsApp inside a desktop browser.  Here are instructions on how to setup WhatsApp Web. However, if you are unable to use WhatsApp Web for some reason, there's another way. Read on.

Note that while this guide is for WhatsApp, you can run almost any Android app using this method. Just replace the apk file in step 5, with the apk of the Android app you want to run. Here's a good source to download apk files.

1. You're going to need an Android emulator app to accomplish this. We've tried it with Bluestacks App Player but it should work with any other emulator too. You'll also need a mobile phone to verify the WhatsApp account.

2.Download Bluestacks App Player on your computer.

3. Run the setup file to install it. During installation, Bluestacks will ask for App Store Access and App Notifications. You can uncheck both while installing.

4.Wait for the installation to finish (it takes several minutes). During the final stages of installation, Bluestacks will run in full-screen mode. Tap the diagonal line icon on the top-right to run it in windowed mode. This makes the next few steps easy.

5.Leave Bluestacks App Player running and go to your browser. Download the WhatsApp apk file.

6.Double-click the WhatsApp.apk file that's saved on your PC. The app will automatically install itself in Bluestacks App Player.

7.In Bluestacks, you'll see a grid of apps you've installed. Find and launch WhatsApp.

8.Enter your phone number and click Verify.

9.Now wait for 5 minutes as WhatsApp tries, and fails, to automatically verify using SMS.

10.After 5 minutes, WhatsApp will offer you an option for voice verification. Click Call me.

11.You'll get a phone call. Answer it and you'll hear the verification code being spoken in loop.

12.Enter the verification in WhatsApp (running in Bluestacks) and you're good to go.

13. None of your existing contacts will show up in WhatsApp if you use this method. You can still reply to any messages you receive.

14.You can add contacts individually to WhatsApp by clicking on the three dots icon on the top-right > Contacts. Click the contact icon on the top-right, next to search. These contacts will be saved locally and will not show up on other devices. You can then start sending messages to these contacts as well.

15.Any groups you're a part of will also not show up on the PC. You will have to ask the group admin to add you to the group again.

If you're hoping to use WhatsApp on both your PC and your phone at the same time, you are out of luck. One phone number can be associated with only one device at a time - your phone will stop receiving WhatsApp messages when you're using it on the desktop. Another limitation is that you can't switch between the two devices instantly. WhatsApp imposes a 20-minute delay between two verification attempts (this delay keeps increasing with each verification attempt on the same day), so keep that in mind when setting it up on any device.

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How to disable WhatsApp Blue Ticks (or) Read Receipts

Much to the vexation of its users, WhatsApp interestingly presented read receipts (letting individuals see precisely when a message is Read, not simply Delivered) not long ago. The application constantly demonstrated one tick mark when you communicated something specific, which changed to two dim ticks when it was deliverd. Presently, the application demonstrates two blue ticks when the recipient  has read your message

This component was taken off without an upgrade to the application itself. This implies that there was no protection setting to debilitate read receipts when the component was taken off. The absence of this essential component in WhatsApp truly ticked us off, and we had guaranteed that we'd be back with an instructional exercise on the best way to handicap WhatsApp blue ticks when it was conceivable. Consistent with our statement, here we are presently that WhatsApp has revealed this component for Android.

Here's the means by which to dispose of those irritating blue ticks in WhatsApp - yet in the event that you do this, then you won't have the capacity to see the receipts either. On the off chance that you need to check when other individuals see your messages, then you have to permit them to see read receipts from you. Until further notice, this is workable for Android clients, and just on the off chance that you physically upgrade the application by means of the WhatsApp site. WhatsApp commonly discharges redesigns first by means of its site, and after that reveals the upgrade for Android's Google Play store, trailed by overhauls for different stages, so the overhaul will be accessible for all gadgets soon.

here's the way to disable read receipts:

Open WhatsApp and tap three vertical dots symbol on the upper right.

Presently go to Settings > Account > Privacy.

Uncheck Read receipts.

That will disable the blue ticks on WhatsApp.

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How to tie a Tie ???                   

Why rupee has crashed to 2-year low.

Do you love your Eyes ? Yes , Obviously !!! Then  Know about Eyes 

How to tie a Tie ???

There were days I recollect my companions used to come to me and request tie the Tie since I was great in this . Asking some individual and knowing something is great as opposed to doing it in proper and fragmented ways. We regularly see one or the other wearing tie in an extremely cumbersome manner where we feel so seeing so as to disturb them rather than all these simply realize this how to do it . Presently I am demonstrating to tie a Tie 

Here are three ways how tie a Tie . Simply take after that

Why rupee has crashed to 2-year low

The rupee tumbled to a two-year low of 64.78 on Wednesday taking after China's depreciation of the Yuan for a brief moment time this week - a move which financiers say is awful news for India's parity of exchange.

Here is the reason rupee has collided with very nearly 2-year low:

Energy about dollar 

The primary reason is the energy about the dollar abroad after China cheapened the yuan for the second in a row day.

Depreciation of Yuan to hurt Indian fares to China 

As per State Bank of India director Arundhati Bhattacharya, the cheapening of the Yuan would hurt Indian fares to China especially yarn and Iron Ore. "The rupee has stayed stable against the dollar even as other developing business sector monetary standards has debilitated. This is having an effect on exporters," she said.

Unpredictable local value market 

A lower opening of the residential value showcase likewise played spoilsport. Source : TOI

Do you Love your Eyes ? Yes , Obviously !!! Then Know about Eyes

  1. People with blue eyes have a higher alcohol tolerance.
  2. If the human eye was a digital camera it would have 576 egapixels.
  3. The human eye can distinguish about 10 million different colors.
  4. We spend about 10% of our waking hours with our eyes closed, blinking.
  5. Goldfish can't close their eyes as they have no eyelids.
  6. An Ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
  7. The space between your eyebrows is called Nasion.
  8. It is estimated that only 2% of all humans have green eyes, making it the rarest eye colour.
  9. Your eyeballs stay the same size from birth to death, while your nose and ears continue to grow.
  10. An eye is composed of more than 2 million working parts
  11. A fingerprint has 40 unique characteristics, but an iris has 256, a reason retina scans are increasingly being used for security purposes.
  12. People who are blind can see their dreams if they weren’t born blind.
  13. 80% of our memories are determined by what we see.80% of what we learn is through our eyes.
  14. Eyes are the second most complex organ after the brain.
  15. Your eyebrows prevent sweat dripping into your eyes. 
  16. You see things upside down - it is your brain which turns the image the right way up.
  17. Everyone has one eye that is slightly stronger than the other. 
  18. The eyeball weighs around 28 grams.
  19. Although the function of tears is to keep eyes clean, scientists don’t understand why we cry when we are upset.
  20. Around the world, about 39 million people are blind and roughly 6 times that many have some kind of vision impairment.

Also Read : Wat is Love ?? If you Love the Love Then Know About LOVE

Wat is Love ?? If you Love the Love Then Know About LOVE

Dictionaries have distinctive implications for this word. Yet, when I consider it, my psyche evokes pictures of a wide range of wonderful things that I have constantly connected with adoration. Blossoms, chocolates, flame light suppers, hearts, delicate toys, garments and aromas, (I trust I haven't left anything out!) these are the words that have ended up synonymous with affection ... in any case, shouldn't something be said about the sentiments and feelings connected with it! 

I recall growing up with stars in my eyes and adoration melodies ringing through my ears. Gradually my fantasies became greater and I began sitting tight for my Prince Charming to go along and bring me with him to a delightful area where we would be encompassed by hirelings, great garments, blossoms and gems. One day I understood reality about affection ... that it was significantly more than material solaces and increases. 

Love is Trust 

When you adore somebody, you need to trust them. Love without trust is impractical. When you open your heart to somebody, you need to trust them to deal with it, until the end of time. Trust implies that you have the trust in the other individual that they will stay faithful to their obligations, be loyal and arrive for you generally. 

Love is Sharing 

Trust me when I say that this is a standout amongst the most vital elements of adoration. It is essential to open ones heart and offer - your satisfaction, your distresses, your reasons for alarm, your triumphs... everything, it truly does not make a difference, the length of the heart is clear. Adoration is speaking the truth and realizing that the other individual feels the same far as well, it is sharing and losing ones hindrances and realizing that the individual on the other side will never be judgmental. 

Love is Faithfulness 

To love intends to be valid, to adore unequivocally intends to give with everything that is in you to one, and stand out. Being unwavering in a relationship is critical, in affection... it is the following thing to trust. Affection is the point at which you understand that that individual is the best thing that has happened to you and you need to esteem that individual and the minutes went through with them, till death do you part. 

Love is Talking 

Yes, affection is talking. It speaks the truth talking, telling and sharing. After sooner or later individuals limit their discussions to talking about bills, kids and pets. This is a certain marker of things going down slope. Starting so as to bring the sparkle back a discussion. Talking can help fathom matters that generally may prompt mistaken assumptions. Another part of that is tuning in. Talking is futile if the other individual is not tuning in. Figure out how to listen as well. 

Love is Spending Time Together 

A couple of minutes spent together ordinary keeps the weariness away. I simply made this up at this moment, however it is on the grounds that I feel there is in no way like time put resources into a relationship...believe me, it pays! Overwhelming work timetable takes up much time and exertion, so it is imperative to get things into point of view. Investing energy with one another will give you a chance to comprehend the other individual better, help you know them better. What's more, I trust that it gives the connection an alternate vibe. 

Love is Being Friends 

Adoration is being companions with one another. Getting a charge out of straightforward delights in life like shopping, finding a film or sitting in front of the TV at home, aside from a large group of different things that "Companions" ordinarily do! You need to let them know your privileged insights and keep theirs, arrive for one another, and regard and trust one another. 

Also, as stereotypical as this may sound... Adoration is having a striking resemblance course, having the same objectives and making strides in that bearing to make them materialize

Few Exciting facts about Our Captain Cool Mr. MSD

Indian Cricket Team's best Test Captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni has reported his retirement from Test Cricket, as of now. Known as the world's best finisher of the session of Cricket, very little can unsettle the plumes of Captain Cool. There aren't sufficient descriptive words to depict this cricketing virtuoso, his authority abilities are unparalleled, his comprehension of the diversion exceedingly powerful and his animal quality makes him an unsafe batsman.

Here are some lesser known truths about Mahi, as he is affectionately known, all through the changing area.

#1. The wicketkeeper batsman made his ODI debut against Bangladesh in 2004, and was run out on the first ball.

#2. As indicated by Forbes, MS Dhoni's total assets is $30 million, which surpasses Master Blaster Sachin Tendulkar's total assets.

#3. MSD is quick companions with Bipasha Basu and John Abraham. Maybe Mahi's long brilliant locks, that were appreciated by none other than previous Pakistan President Parvez Musharraf, were propelled by John's own particular comparable look!

#4. Mahi is the main Indian chief to have driven his group to triumph in every one of the three noteworthy ICC competitions: the Twenty-20 World Cup (2007), 50 Over World Cup (2011) and the Champion's Trophy (2013). He additionally drove his successful group Chennai Super Kings in the Indian Premier League (2010 and 2011) and Champions League Twenty20 (2010 and 2014).

#5. Dhoni is India's best cricket commander, having driven India to 27 test triumphs and an astounding 163 one-day triumphs. His win rate is additionally unparalleled: 45% in tests and 61% in one-day internationals!

#6. In 2007, it was Sachin Tendulkar who suggested MS Dhoni's name for India's captain, given Dhoni's quiet nature and cordial comparison with whatever remains of the group.

#7. Dhoni was consulted with the privileged rank of Lt Colonel by the Indian Territorial Army in November 2011. Dhoni has, over and over, iterated that he might want to assume some part in the Army later on.
#8. MSD cherishes quick bicycles. He has 23 of them, and checking!

#9. Dhoni is the main player to win the ICC Player of the Year grant, twice!

#10. In 2012, SportsPro evaluated Dhoni as the sixteenth most attractive competitor on the planet.

#11. MSD is a "Rajput" and has roots in Uttarakhand.

#12. Dhoni is a non-veggie lover and loves his chicken!

#13. Mahi's wife, the delightful Sakshi Dhoni, is known not electrical cookers along each time she goes with her spouse on cricket visits.

#14. Mahi is a colossal devotee of Adam Gilchrist.

#15. Dhoni played as a goalkeeper for his school's football group, furthermore dallied with badminton.

#16. Dhoni made his Ranji Trophy debut for Bihar in the 1999–2000 season as an eighteen-year-old.

#17. Dhoni was shrunk by the Chennai Super Kings for 1.5 Million USD. This made him the most extravagant player in the IPL for the first season barters.

#18. Dhoni is the main commander in the ODIs to score a century while batting at number 7. He did it against Pakistan in December 2012.

#19. A true to life film in light of the life of Dhoni, titled M. S. Dhoni: The Untold Story, is situated to be discharged in 2015. The film highlights Sushant Singh Rajput assuming the part of Dhoni.

Sushant Singh Rajput wears the Dhoni look in this early look of the Dhoni biopic that is expected in 2015.

#20. Just Shahrukh Khan has more brand supports than Mahi in his kitty.

#21. MSD has cooperated with Telugu filmstar Akkineni Nagarjuna in purchasing a Supersport World Championship group and named it Mahi Racing Team India.

#22. Dhoni was worked as a Train Ticket Examiner (TTE) at Kharagpur Railway Station from 2001 to 2003.

#23. Having played 90 test matches, Dhoni was just 10 shy of an individual turning point of 100 test matches – a deed finished just by 10 different Indians. Be that as it may, Dhoni never thought about individual records and never let feeling get in method for his diversion. He came, he vanquished, and he cleared out.

Straightforward, no goodbyes: Dhoni at his functional best. Way to go MSD

Do you smoke ??? Then you should know this ..!

  • Smoking near Apple computers voids the warranty.
  • More than a third of the world's smokers are Chinese.
  • 15 billion cigarettes are smoked worldwide every day.
  • Smoking makes your hair turn gray faster, a study found.
  • Smoking causes 1 in every 5 deaths in the U.S. every year.
  • Hitler led the first public anti-smoking campaign in modern history.
  • Every cigarette you smoke reduces your expected life span by 11 minutes.
  • Tobacco addicts are most likely to consider quitting the habit on Mondays.
  • The Chinese smoking population is higher than the entire population of the U.S.
  • A single cigarette contains over 4,800 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer.
  • About 69% of smokers want to quit completely but few they don't and few they they can't .
  • Over 30% of cancer could be prevented by avoiding tobacco and alcohol, having a healthy diet and physical activity.
  • It's completely legal for minors to smoke cigarettes in the U.S. and parts of Europe. What they can't do is purchase them.
  • The first European who learned to smoke from the natives was arrested back home because people thought he was possessed by the devil.
  • Smoking makes breasts sag faster than normal by breaking down a protein in the skin called elastin, which gives youthful skin its elastic appearance and supports the breast.

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Master Blaster Sachin Tendulkar Adopts a Village And Look what he did there ...!!

It took all of four months. Puttamraju Kandriga has gone from being a slummy village to a modern miracle after it was adopted by cricketer-turned-MP Sachin Tendulkar. Concrete roads with tiled pavements, an underground sewage network with a treatment plant, storm-water drains, 24-hour water and power supply, a playground, a community hall…this Andhra Pradesh hamlet about 150 km north of Chennai, with infrastructure that many an Indian city may be proud about, is quite unlike any other in the region or probably even the State.
Says the Master Blaster: “We plan to do much more.”
It was last November that Sachin stepped in to adopt the village under the Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana, flagged off by Prime Minister Narendra Modi a month earlier. Unlike other similar high-profile village adoptions where work is yet to begin on the ground, a lot has already been accomplished in this village thanks to quick decisions and constant supervision. Puttamraju Kandriga is a sleepy little village with just 399 people living in 110 houses. Predominantly made up of Backward Class/ST below-poverty-line families, the people make a living from growing red chillies and lime.

Also Read : Few Exciting facts about Our Captain Cool Mr. MSD
“We had no roads, no toilets in our homes nor did we have running water and uninterrupted power supply till Sachin adopted our village. Today, we have all of those along with excellent roads,” says Bhaskar Rao, a chilli farmer-resident, with a mix of happiness and pride.
The model village is a joint effort of the local administration and Sachin who has contributed ₹2.79 crore from the MP Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) funds, while the Government has sanctioned ₹3 crore. “I’m proud that we have been able to provide basic necessities of life such as running water on tap at home and toilets,” Sachin told BusinessLine over phone from Mumbai.
Asked why he chose this village and not one in his home State, Sachin replied: “Puttamraju Kandriga is also in India. I’ve received support from all over India. Wherever I went I was showered with love and affection which means a lot to me.”

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18 Facts about Google which makes you Exciting

  1. Google was originally called "Backrub".
  2. Every minute, 2 million searches are performed on Google.
  3. Google has been acquiring 2 companies per month since 2010.
  4. Google beats Facebook: it's the world's most visited website.
  5. Google is developing a computer so smart it can program itself.
  6. The total size of Google Earth's database is over 20 Petabytes.
  7. is a little known free service to plan your wedding.
  8. Google's first tweet ever was "I'm feeling lucky" written in binary code.
  9. If you search for "atari breakout" in Google Images, you can play the game.
  10. If you search for "askew" in Google, the content will tilt slightly to the right.
  11. Every day, 16% of the searches that occur are ones that Google has never seen before.
  12. Google Maps calculates traffic by tracking how fast Android devices are moving on the road.
  13. The first Google Doodle was dedicated to the Burning Man festival attended by Google founders in 1998.
  14. Because Gmail first launched on April 1st of 2004, many people thought it was an April Fools' Day prank.
  15. For the 4th consecutive year, Google was named the best company to work for in the U.S. by Fortune Mag in 2014.
  16. In 1999, the founders of Google actually tried to sell it to Excite for just US$1 million. Excite turned them down.
  17. Google earns US$20 billion a year from advertising, more than the primetime revenues of CBS, NBC,ABC,and FOX combined.
  18. Google got its name by accident. The founders misspelled "googol", which refers to the number 1 followed by 100 zeroes.
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