India's Most wanted Top 10

Terrorism in India is growing day by day and terror attacks take place at regular intervals.
There are several most wanted persons in the list of government, who are fugitives from law after killing innocent people.
Here is a list of  India's 10 most wanted :
1. Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar
One of the most dreaded criminals of the country; he heads the D-company of Mumbai. The 58 year old biggest gangster is the son of a Maharashtra constable. He is accused of 1993 Mumbai serial blasts, the most destructive bomb explosions in Indian history that caused 350 fatalities and 1200 injuries.
He was also involved in 2008 Mumbai terror attacks.

He is also alleged to have close links with the then Al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden. He has also been involved in the spot fixing IPL scandal.
He is also into the businesses of counterfeiting Indian banknotes and drugs and does his best to harm India's security and economic interests.
He has been hiding in Karachi, Pakistan.

2. Syed Salahuddin
The chief of Hizbul Mujahideen, a Kashmiri militant organization, which is Pro Pakistan and aims to unite Kashmir with Pakistan. His organization is alleged to have links with ISI and Pakistan backing.
He has been responsible for frequent terrorist attacks in Jammu and Kashmir.
He is on the most wanted list of NIA.

3. Masood Azhar
He operates Jaish-e-Mohammed, a militant group in Pak Occupied Kashmir.  
He is the terrorist who was  freed by the Indian government in December, 1999 in exchange for passengers on the hijacked Indian Airlines Flight 814 (IC814) that had eventually landed in Kandahar, Afghanistan, then controlled by the Taliban regime.
His terrorist outfit was behind the 2001 Parliament attacks. He is believed to be hiding in Pakistan.

4. Ilyas Kashmiri
Leader of terror outfit Harkat-ul-Jehadi Islami, he is an Al Qaeda operative. He was responsible for German Bakery blast in Pune and 26/11 attack in Mumbai, attack on American Centre in Kolkata in 2002 & blasts in Delhi, Jaipur, Ahmedabad and Bangalore in 2008.
He was reported dead in a US drone strike in 2011 but the report was denied later.

5. Sajid Mir
A Lashkar-e-Tayyeba commander, he came to India in 2005 as a cricket fan. He was preparing for the November 2008 attack in Mumbai.
His undercover visit was the first of a series of surveillance missions before Pakistan American David Headley was used for the recce operations.
Headley reported to Mir. From a safehouse in Karachi, Mir guided the assault team using a voice-over-internet line, personally ordering the execution of several hostages.
According to Western intelligence sources, Mir is being held in a safehouse run by the ISI Directorate, along with a former military officer who travelled with him to New Delhi, Abdur Rehman Hashim.

6. Major Iqbal
Another conspirator of 26/11 attack, he is a major in Pakistani army and ISI officer.
He was the main handler of David Headley who recruited, trained and directed him for his recce activities in India.
India wants their voice samples to prove they were guiding 26/11 attackers on phone.
7. Hafiz Muhammad Saeed
The chief of Lashkar- e- Tayyeba, Jamaat-ud-Dawa, was declared a terrorist outfit by the United Nations in December 2008.
He is accused of masterminding the 26/11 attacks. He openely makes hate speeches against India.
Though he was briefly placed under house arrest, after 26/11, he has stepped up his activities since last year, holding anti-India and anti-US rallies.

8. Chhota Shakeel
Dawood’s close aide, Chhota Shakeel is accused in 1993 Mumbai blasts and attack on Chhota Rajan in Bangkok in Sept 2001.
After Osama bin Laden's was killed, he fled from Pakistan to Saudi Arabia.

9. Zaki-Ur- Rehman Lakhvi
Founder of Lashkar-e-Tayyeba, he along with Hafiz Saeed was among the main planners of the 26/11 attack.
The LeT has carried out dozens of attacks in India and is the most dreaded terror group active in the country.
He is currently in custody in Pakistan for 26/11 strike.

10. Anees Ibrahim
Dawood’s younger brother whom he trusts.
He is an accused in 1993 Mumbai blasts and a co accused in every crime Dawood is accused of.
Whether it is running drugs/fake banknotes operations or extortions, he is the one who makes the arrangements
Not much is heard of him since he was shot at by members of rival gang in Karachi in 2009.

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