Facts on Girls About Their Friends, Family, Love and Relationship

How a girl acts around her friends and family, and how she manages to put you around this circle tells a more about how important you are to her.

1. If a girl wants to meet a guys family, let them. It means they care.
2. If girls is being close and friendly with their guy friends in front of their boyfriends, it usually doesn’t mean anything except that they’ve been friends with that guy longer then you have been their boyfriend. Don’t get offended.
3. When a girl will ditch her friends to hang out with a guy, its a big deal.
4. If a girl is mad at her boyfriend, she doesn’t want to say anything about it, she just wishes he’d know.
5. When girls don’t want to talk about their ex-boyfriend, she’s probably not completely over him.
6. If a girl will sit by her boyfriend’s friends, she really cares about him.
7. If a girl will be a guys girlfriend, she really likes him.
8. Girls hesitate to fall in love because they always assume they’ll get hurt. Prove to your girl you won’t hurt her.
9. Girls feel flattered if a guy would greet him first in their special occasions (e.g. monthsaries, anniversaries, etc.) because a guy tend to be forgetful.
10. Girls love it when guys say sweet things in front of their friends, but understand if they don’t
11. If a girl tells a guy she was talking about him with her friends, its always about something good.
12. Girls sometimes think if you love them more than you love your exes. And sometimes conclude that you are still not over with your last ex-girlfriend.
13. Changing for the better will let her stick with you. It simply means that you want to grow with her inside the relationship you are building.
14. When a girl slow dances with her boyfriend in random places like her room or even in the kitchen, with no music on, thats when he knows she’s in love with him.
15. Sharing your future family plans is important to her.This is your chance to show her how serious you are, especially when you are ready to have a family with her.
16. If a girl dumps a guy because she thinks she can’t make him happiest, that’s love.
17. Girls look at the other girls that their boyfriend is with as their enemy. Like a tigress, that’s what she is.
18. If you break a girls heart, she’ll never be the same.
19. If a girl really loves you, she will not  be able to see anything bad about you.

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