What Girls Don’t Like

Here are list of things that you should never do to a girl if you want to be on her good side. Be a gentleman and follow these facts

1. Girls don’t like to like guys that aren’t over their ex-girlfriends.
2. Never compare her to other women, even your own mother.
3. Girls don’t like to talk about ex’s.
4. When a girl doesn’t feel good and when she doesn’t talk much. Don’t push her mouth into talking, you will just fight.
5. Girls are way too forgiving. Don’t take advantage of it.
6. Don’t lie to her, he knows when you are.
7. Don’t make her say something repeatedly. This type would really pick something on girls, and if you keep on asking her about something for the 3rd and 4th time, it just means that you are not interested and not listening carefully to what she is talking about.
8. A right way to make a girl mad is not trust her when she’s being honest.
9. If a girl hates someone, her boyfriend should probably not talk to them( at least in front of them ).
10. Girls hate it when their guy friends make fun of their boyfriend.
11. First rule when you enter her life, never cheat! You would want to think twice before getting involved with two girls at the one time. It’s just whether one girl would stick with you, or both girls would slap and create the hell out of you, so be sure that you are really a good guy when you are looking for a good girl.
12. Girls hate it when guys ignore them.
13. Don’t break her trust. If a girl tells you a secret, don’t ever let it go.
14. Girls are sometimes drama queens,however you are not allowed to call her that. It would make the whole situation worst, just go as the flow goes and be the man she needs for the moment.
15. Never underestimate the feelings a girl has for her boyfriend.

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