Brainier than Einstein? 12-yr-old gets most elevated IQ score of 162


A 12-year-old young woman in the UK has achieved the most raised possible score of 162 on a Mensa IQ test, which could make her brainier than Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking.

Nicole Barr, of Harlow, Essex, got a faultless 162 on the Mensa test. The score puts the tween in the fundamental 1% of brightest people on the planet and means she is more savvy than physicist Hawking, Microsoft creator Bill Gates and Einstein, who are all thought to have an IQ of 160.

"She's a committed child. She stays after school for homework club and never misses a day," said her mother Dolly Buckland, 34.

"From a young age she's been picking blunders in books and magazines. She's a merry, cheery young woman who is constantly asking for extra homework," she was refered to as saying by ''.

"When I made sense of I got such a high score, it was so astonishing. I was shocked," said Nicole who got her IQ test results a week back. "Nicole's IQ puts her gently within the principle 1% of the people," said Mensa delegate Ann Clarkson.

The young woman, who is a Year 7 understudy in Burnt Mill Academy, acknowledges examining, singing and show. At evaluation school, Nicole was a long time before her partners and could deal with complex variable based math before the age of 10.

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