What a girl's each Actions Mean

Ever notice it tough understanding a women actions. All guys do! we tend to got you coated on understanding this tough anatomy

1. All women flirt, some don’t mean it.
2. women don’t invariably understand what they require.
3. women already understand the reality even before they raise you. thus take care guys.
4. once women write guys notes, that guy ought to keep them.
5. women need a guy to prove that there not all a similar.
6. If a woman admits that she misses a man, she extremely will. Don’t take this too gently
7. Sometimes, women take a look at guys to ascertain however they’ll react.
8. If a woman continues to be loving with some other person, they're going to ne'er say something dangerous concerning them.
9. women area unit additional observant than guys suppose.
10. If a woman lays her head on her guys chest and simply listens to his heartbeat, she’s being attentive to see if it'll tell her what he’s thinking.
12. once women say nothing is wrong, shes lying. Everything is wrong. this can be irony, I know.
13. once women say NO, it solely means that keep attempting. women area unit inconsistent, particularly once deciding for his or her guy’s interests.
14. women keep in mind very little things the foremost.
15. once women hold their boyfriends tight, they ne'er wish to let that moment go.
16. If a woman says your vital to her, its true.
17. If a woman laughs at a guys each joke, she likes him.
18. once a woman asks a man what their thinking, they extremely do care.
19. women ne'er bit guys by chance.
20. women area unit sensible detectives. Some simply doesn't open it up with their beau.
21. If a woman desires you to be along with her, you’ll understand it.
22. women will entertain each guy around, however at the tip of the day, she’ll be look the sun set with the one she really loves.
23. If a woman extremely cares a couple of guy, you'll be able to see it in her eyes.
24. It hurts women to dump guys.
25. once a woman tells you concerning things she loves, like viewing stars or being attentive to the rain and different crummy stuffs seen solely in movies, she’s falling for you.
26. once a woman holds a guys hand, she ne'er desires to let it go.

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